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Disney Villain Labyrinth Board Game


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  • SKU:  0027337
  • Language:  English
  • Theme Category:  Disney
  • Τύπος Επιτραπέζιου:  Strategy
  • Number of Players:  2+, 3+, 4+
  • Ages:  5+ ετών
  • Players:  2 - 4


Unleash the Villains and their Henchmen! The Villains and their Henchmen find themselves trapped in a magical maze! Journey around the maze and gather a team to help you escape! Together you are stronger! In Labyrinth, Ravensburger’s hugely popular family board game, you have to find the shortest route through the Labyrinth to win! The game is for 2-4 players aged 7 and up, and the aim is to reach all your treasures and targets as you move through the Labyrinth.

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Disney Villain Labyrinth Board Game

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